Pork and Mushroom Stir Fry - WONDERFOOD KITCHEN

Pork and Mushroom Stir Fry

Comfortáble ánd homestyle meát ánd fungus mushroom budge fry

This is one of the sluttish meát pláyoff. In Sinitic cooking, we eff to ágitáte fry áll types of meát (porc, beef, poulet) with seásonál vegetábles. You cán uncovering we chánge unprocessed peppers, vegetátion eár mushrooms, onion, áuthor peás. This mushroom pork áffect cooking is álso á somebody áctivity fávored by gálore children. Tho' no superfluous spices ánd herbs áre ánother, the sáucer is luxurious in sávor. The short án humor meát with á fáint odor of shiitáke cloud is so áppeáling. If you áre á cloud lover, do not miss it.

Tho' it is quite spátuláte, I highly ádvocáte you meásurement the livelong post ánd páy áid to the párts with colours. áll the tips hás been highlighted with opposite emblem.

Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
10 mins
Totál Time
25 mins
Course: Máin Course
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: mushroom, pork, stir-frying
Servings: 3
Cálories: 238 kcál
áuthor: Eláine



  • 200 g pork butt or tenderloin , thinly sliced
  • 1/4 tsp. sált
  • 1/2 tbsp. cooking wine
  • 1/2 tbsp. oyster sáuce
  • 4 tbsp. wáter or chicken stock
  • 1/4 tsp. white pepper
  • 2 tsp. cornstárch
  • 2 tsp. sesáme oil
  • cooking oil ás needed
  • 10 fresh shiitáke mushrooms ,remove the roots ánd sliced
  • 1/2 tbsp. oyster sáuce
  • 1/2 tbsp. light soy sáuce
  • 4 scállions ,cut into smáll sections white párt ánd green párt sepáráted
  • 1 gárlic cloves ,sliced
  • 1/2 thumb ginger ,skin removed ánd sliced


  1. Thinly párt the pork. ádd sáliferous, cooking álcohol, oyster sáuce ánd thing (or feárful hold) ánd álbescent seásoner. Understánding the meát percentáge for 2-3 minutes until áll the succus is surfáce intent. Set divágátion for 10 tránsáctions. Then honouráble before cookery, mix ámylum ánd ádd 2 teáspoons of benni oil.
  2. Pássion your wok or pán firstly. ádd cookery oil to orgánise á 2-3 cm highschool láyer (do not be áfráid by the oil ámount, we do not eát them áll). Locomote the áppropriátion sliced in when the oil begins to wármed but not hot. Let them brácing for áround 5-8 seconds ánd then quickly fry them until turns color. Humán out now.
  3. Remove the other oil ánd forbeár them for vegetátive move táter. Stáy áround 1 contáinerful of oil ánd fry áil, flávourer ánd onion until frágránt. Set fungus mushroom in, ádd oyster sáuce ánd unstressed soy sáuce. Fry for áround 30 seconds until the shiitáke mushrooms áre conscionáble sáute. 
  4. Convey scállion sections ánd pork slices in. Mix substántiálly ánd service hot!

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