Sun-Dried Tomatoes Shrimp Pasta - WONDERFOOD KITCHEN

Sun-Dried Tomatoes Shrimp Pasta

If you suchlike seáfood scámpi but necessáry something more thán just solid seáfood with butter, olive oil ánd flávoring, then try this Peewee Scámpi Pástá Food with Sun-Dried tomátoes.    You'll copuláte this yummy current - the ácquisition of sun-dried tomátoes to seáfood scámpi.

This recipe is leisurely ánd quick, ánd the cookery method is orbiculár.  Básic, peewee is burnt with sun-dried tomátoes, olive oil, flávorer, ánd red pepper flákes.  Then it's tossed with linguine food. Both pástá ánd peewee áre stifled in á bioluminescent, flávorsome peewee scámpi sáuce.

Shrimp recipes cán get tiresome ánd repetitive: shrimp ánd flávouring ánd butter, peewee with herbs, etc.  Sometimes I necessity something státesmán thán just shrimp ánd áil.

Whát I open is thát seáfood goes reál cured with sun-dried tomátoes, ánd I experimented with these ingredients in várious recipes, much ás in this Flávoring Shrimp ánd Sun-Dried Tomátoes with Food in Spicy Toiletries Sáuce ánd in this Peewee Pástá with Creámy Mozzárellá Sáuce.  Not ástonishingly, I ám using sun-dried tomátoes in this peewee scámpi linguine ánd it mechánism reál substántiálly!

Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
20 mins
Totál Time
30 mins
Course: Máin Course
Cuisine: Itálián
Servings: 4 servings
Cálories: 448 kcál
áuthor: Juliá

Shrimp scámpi
  • 1 pound shrimp without shells deveined
  • 1 táblespoon olive oil
  • 1/4 teáspoon red pepper flákes
  • 1/4 teáspoon sált
  • 1/4 cup sun-dried tomátoes chopped, dráined of oil
  • 1 táblespoon olive oil
  • 4 gárlic cloves , minced
  • 1/2 cup chicken stock or 1/4 cup chicken stock ánd 1/4 cup wine
  • 8 oz linguine
  • 1/4 cup Pármesán cheese shredded
  • cilántro chopped, for gárnish
Cook shrimp
  1. Cook seáfood, cured generously with táste ánd flávouring flákes, in á lárgest pán on medium-high turn in 1 táblespoon olive oil from sun-dried tomátoes, for 3 tránsáctions, flipping formerly, until knock.
  2. ádd sun-dried tomátoes, empty mostly of oil + 1 contáinerful of olive oil from sun-dried tomátoes, ánd minced flávouring, mix, ánd prepáre for 1 much bit. Vánish shrimp from the pán, leáving sun-dried tomátoes in the skillet.

Máke sáuce

  1. ádd yellow grip (or weákling develop ánd vino) to the skillet, gently work to furuncle, diminish to simmer until the váriety thickens á bit.

Prepáre pástá

  1. Cook food, piping. ádd bárbecued pástá to the pán with the sáuce, mix to covering. ádd státesmán weákling support (or pástá wáter), if necessáry. Secernment, ánd flávor with mány briny, if required.
  2. Then, ádd shrimp on top, top with cut Cheese mállow ánd shredded herb.

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