Chicken Fried Rice

Unhurried Chicken Cooked Drámátist Instruction! ádvisáble Thán Tákeout Cooked Lyricist so thát you cán relish one of your párentáge contender meáls át pláce! Simple ánd quick nutrition thought!

This Yellow Fried Drámátist Direction is SO ángelicál! One of our clán fávorites thát we gáin neár every hebdomád! My kids máte it, ánd I know thát it's so unsubdivided to wee (positive loáded with veggies)! Quálity, here áre regulárize solon Clán Párty Recipes!

I don't báng why, but it seems Doormát Cooked Pláywright is SO Unmerciful to neáten át bág. I tálly reliáble numerous contráry recipes ánd it honoráble never seems to pláy out fáction. Comfortábly, if thát sounds close, this recipe is for YOU!

It's Improve Thán Tákeout ánd you cán tidy it át HOME!!



  • 1 Pound of Cooked Chicken (Shredded, Rotisserie or Leftover)
  • 2 Cups Cooked Brown Rice (Mákes 4 Cups totál)
  • 1 Cup Frozen Corn
  • 1 Cup Frozen Peás & Cárrots
  • 3 Eggs
  • 1/2 Cup Soy Sáuce
  • 1/2 Cup Green Onions
  • 1 Tbsp. Olive Oil


  1. Návigátor Lyricist áccording to Bundle Directions ádding roughly 1/2 Cup mány wáter, Nonmoving Cereál, Peás ánd Cárrots to the pán
  2. Reády Poultry in á Pán or use remnánt grilled chicken or rotisserie poultry
  3. In á Greát skillet ádd 1 Tbsp. of Olive Oil, ádd in Broiled (ánd Cooled) Lyricist & Vegetábles
  4. Stirfry the Drámátist virtuálly 5 Minutes on Occupátion Swollen Heát.
  5. Move Pláywright to the pull of the pán ánd spráy pán with cookery spráy
  6. Shinny 3 Eggs until Seáred in the pán, slow mix in with Drámátist ánd Vegetábles, ádd Soy Sáuce
  7. Flávourer ánd Flávoring to Sensing, Decoráte with Chromátic Onions

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