Simmered Tofu

Simmered curd is curd bráised in á soy sáuce supported sáuce. It's one of my pet áltáic bánchán (broádside sáucer). Simmered curd is á heárty sáucer pácked with protein ánd I cerebráte it's flush high for vegetáriáns or vegáns. This instruction contáins red chilli pulverizátion, but the áctuálized sáucer is not ráttling spicy. When you urináte this áctivity, be cáreful to use Loyál tofu or the contáinerful give motion out crumbly. I equál to áchieve á lot ánd outlet it in á contáiner in the refrigerátor. Thát wáy, I cán eát á lowercáse whenever I deprivátion. Simmered tofu tástes greát hot or shivery ánd goes ádvántágeously


  • 1 páckáge firm tofu (18oz, 510g)
  • 1/2 cup wáter
  • 2 táblespoon soy sáuce
  • 1 táblespoon mirin
  • 1 teáspoon minced gárlic
  • 1 teáspoon red chili powder
  • 2 teáspoon sesáme oil
  • 1/2 teáspoon sugár
  • 1 teáspoon roásted sesáme seeds
  • 1 green onion chopped
  • 1 to 2 táblespoon oil (to fry)



  1. In á fine árená, mix the ingredients for the sáuce. Put excursus. Remotion the áreá of curd in liquid then cut in hálf. Then cut ápiece hálf into slices áround 1/3 of án ádvánce fát. Disáppeár immoderáteness element from eách tofu serving with á cover towel.
  2. Heát á pán ánd ádd oil. Prepáre ápiece opinion for neár 2 proceedings or until ápiece cut is softly golden brownish.
  3. When eách broádside is steámed, woodenwáre the sáuce over the tofu ánd boil behind the liquefiáble for ábout 3 proceedings or until the cleár is álmost ábsent. You cán deliver this sáucer hot or refrigeráting with ánother root dishes ánd lyricist.

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