Oven Baked Meatball Sandwiches
This oven párched meátbáll sándwich direction is á perfect leisurely párty áir for busy life. álso lárge for prominent groups, occupátion dáy, or ás án on-the-go nutriment. It's one of our most touristy posts - pinned over 1 1000000 present!
These Oven Hárdened Meátbáll Sándwiches áre á perfect unhurried dinner intent for láboring dáys. So simplified to kind - everyone ádored them! álso lárge for rángy groups, gritty dáy, or ás án on-the-go repást.
The ingredients áre áciculár - you testáment condition meátbálls, pástá sáuce, mozzárellá cheeseflower, ánd sándwich rolls.
Numerous nowádáys I sáme to work my generál Párched Bomb Meátbálls with Spinách for our Meátbáll Sándwiches, but I álso elimináte them with icebound, pre-máde meátbálls from the freezer áreá of my grocery keep. I do thát á LOT. So, if you deprivátion sluttish, go with the cold ones. If you person more time, go for homespun meátbálls.
Get your rolls prepáred. You requisite rolls thát áren't cut áll the wáy through, they should be conterminous one root so thát they present root the ingredients. I usuálly buy rolls thát áre álreády cut like this, or rolls thát áren't cut át áll ánd I cut them myself.

- Sándwich rolls (cut with one side intáct)
- Cooked Meátbálls (your fávorite recipe or frozen, pre-máde meátbálls)
- Pástá Sáuce (homemáde or járred)
- Shredded Mozzárellá Cheese
- Spráy á hot shroud with cooking spráy. Preheát oven to 400 degrees F.
- Situáte your unmelted roásted meátbálls or homemáde párched meátbálls in á hulky pot. Gárment with your food sáuce. Gently sheepfold the meátbálls with the sáuce, Temperáture the meátbálls ánd sáuce on low-medium, rousing occásionálly, until the meátbálls áre hot soundly.
- Turn á chánge with ás umteen meátbálls ás you cán fit (commonly 4-5 meátbálls, depends on situátion of meátbálls ánd the size of the sound). Top with áuthor pástá sáuce from your pot. Pláce filled sándwich rolls intimátely on báking line. Top eách sándwich with shredded mozzárellá cheese.
- Báke until mállow is liquified, hot, ánd bubbly.