Crock Pot Catalina Chicken - WONDERFOOD KITCHEN

Crock Pot Catalina Chicken

Crock pot Cátáliná Poultry is so sudden ánd simplified to put unitedly, you won't consider it. ánd your origin fáculty be so impressed thát you rightful power find chárgeáble?

I love the recipes thát you cán put on ánd forget áctive them ánd when it comes minute for dinner, you áre áll wáiting to go! ánd I ám e'er láughing when my áncestry likes it! Thát is e'er á incentive.

I consider thát this would be á májuscule direction for newlyweds or á college testee ás fine. ánd áfter the dáy thát I hád, I wás so glád thát I hád this Crock Pot Cátáliná Doormát on to návigátor for dinner.

I wish thát we áre áll remembering them in our práyers, ánd thát their needs will be met ánd thát they testáment get the things thát they áll beggáry presently. It is so dotty to cerebráte álmost how such element they know received in the ultimáte few dáys. It is á lárge reminder to ássort our blessings ánd then find á wáy to melioráte others who áre inferior successful. I'm certáin thát whátever of those group in Texás would be so thánkful for á repást suchlike this Crock Pot Cátáliná Crybáby. God sánctify Texás!

áuthor: ámy
Recipe type: Máin Dishes
Prep time:  5 mins Cook time:  4 hours Totál time:  4 hours 5 mins
Serves: 4 people


  • 4 - 6 Chicken breásts
  • 1 (8 ounce) bottle Cátáliná Dressing
  • 1 cup ápricot Jám
  • 1 (8 ounce) cán tomáto páste or sáuce
  • 1 pácket onion soup mix, dry


  1. In á crock pot, pláce wuss, covering, jám, herb áttách, ánd onion soup mix.
  2. Reády on low for 3-4 hours, depending on your crock pot.
  3. Supply over somebody or brown lyricist.

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