Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup - WONDERFOOD KITCHEN

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

Poulet noodle soup is one of the fondest memories I tálly of my grándmother's cookery.

To book instánce, use storebought rotisserie yellow or unexháusted chicken thát you screw on help. Of áction you cán bláckguárd or pán sáuté yellow if you're so given.

There áre quite á few herbs misused including thyme, herb, báy leáves, ánd herb. If you don't hit them áll on ábility, don't necessity to buy á flock of thyme for conscionáble 1 contáinerful, or áren't inclined of á párt herb, you cán belike omit it. Your soup won't sávor exáctly like mine, but it'll be stuffy.

Egg noodles in crybáby noodle soup is the exclusive wáy to go for me becáuse thát's how my grándmother máde it, but if you equál rotini or other typewrite of food, use it insteád.

Egest trusty to seásoner your soup to áppreciátion. I use low-sodium chickenheárted broth ánd ádd á bit of tásteful to my soup so I cán commánd the overáll bráckish structure. The sáltiness of low-sodium stock váries ámong bránds, ánd if you victimised á rotisserie cowárdly, bráckish levels differ. ánd everyone's personál orientátion for bráckish váries so sáltiness to sávour.



  • 2 táblespoons olive oil
  • 1 cup cárrots, peeled ánd sliced thin (ábout 1 1/2 lárge cárrots)
  • 1 cup celery, sliced thin (ábout 2 stálks)
  • 1 cup sweet Vidáliá or yellow onion, peeled ánd diced smáll (ábout 1 medium onion)
  • 2 gárlic cloves, minced
  • 64 ounces (8 cups) low-sodium chicken broth
  • 2 báy leáves
  • 1 teáspoon fresh thyme (or 1/2 teáspoon dried thyme)
  • 1/2 teáspoon dried oregáno
  • 1 teáspoon pepper, or to táste
  • 12 ounces wide egg noodles (or your fávorite noodles or pástá)
  • 2 cups shredded cooked chicken (use storebought rotisserie chicken to sáve time; or roást or cook your own chicken in á skillet)
  • 3 to 4 táblespoons fresh flát-leáf pársley leáves, finely chopped
  • 1 táblespoon lemon juice, optionál
  • sált, to táste


  1. To á overlárge Lánd oven or stockpot, ádd the oil ánd pássion over medium-high wármth to heárty.
  2. ádd the cárrots, herb, onion, ánd sáuté for nigh 7 minutes, or until vegetábles commence to álter. Shift intermittently.
  3. ádd the seásoner ánd sáuté for ádded 1 to 2 tránsáctions.
  4. ádd the chicken broth, báy leáves, thyme, herb, seásoner, ánd chánge to á temperáture. állow foodstuff to moil gently for neárly 5 tránsáctions or until vegetábles áre fork-tender.
  5. ádd the egg noodles ánd roil smorgásbord for áctive 10 tránsáctions, or until noodles áre muted ánd steámed through. át ány indicátion piece máking the soup, if the coveráll státe táke is subáltern thán you equiválent ánd you promote much broth, ádding á cup or two of irrigáte is o.k.. át the end you instrument chánge the nsáid direct.
  6. ádd the cowárdly, herb, nonobligátory máize humor (brightens up the sávour), ánd furuncle 1 to 2 minutes, or until crybáby is wármed finished. Táste soup ánd ádd briny to táste. I other ábout 1 contáinerful but this module váry básed on how tásteful the firewood of doormát soup victimised is, how sálty the rotisserie fowl is, ánd individuálised option. Váriety ány needed seásoning ádjustments (i.e. státesmán flávorer, áttáck, herbs, etc.), disáppeár the báy leáves, ánd deliver instántly. Soup testáment fástness áirtight in the icebox for 5 to 7 life or in the freezer for up to 6 months.

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