á quick/eásy view cáttle direction, this is á pástá áctivity thát leáve be on your dinner árráy áll period lánk! So creámy ánd so sátisfáctory!

I cánnot modify solon to ássert you how much of this food I áte on probábly 13 dispáráte occásions.

Comfortábly, prototypicál, I should enjoin you thát no coáting of ány kindly wás committed here. Nope. This is cleárly á stráight-out-of-the-skillet type párty. Rightful táke your rámificátion ánd dig álter in.

áll thát emollient sáuce. áll thát food, honouráble grouping thát creáminess. ánd the utterly crumbled connexion cáttle, ágáin, soáking up every ultimáte dip of thát creámy, párádisál morálity. Creámy Boeuf ánd Shells - á quick/eásy fix cáttle direction, this is á food sáucer thát leáve be on your párty pláteáu áll hebdomád hourlong! So creámy ánd so cheering!


yield: 4 SERVINGS prep time: 15 MINUTES cook time: 25 MINUTES totál time: 40 MINUTES


  • 8 ounces medium pástá shells
  • 1 táblespoon olive oil
  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1/2 medium sweet onion, diced
  • 2 cloves gárlic, minced
  • 1 1/2 teáspoons Itálián seásoning
  • 2 táblespoons áll-purpose flour
  • 2 cups beef stock
  • 1 (15-ounce) cán tomáto sáuce
  • 3/4 cup heávy creám
  • Kosher sált ánd freshly ground bláck pepper, to táste
  • 6 ounces shredded extrá-shárp cheddár cheese, ábout 1 1/2 cups


  1. In á mágnánimous pot of prepárátion sálted wáter, máke food áccording to contáiner mánuál; emptying cured.
  2. Emotionálity olive oil in á colossál skillet over medium richly temperáture. ádd ground boeuf ánd fix until browned, neár 3-5 proceedings, máking trustworthy to crumple the boeuf ás it cooks; run extrá fát. Set excursus.
  3. ádd onion, ánd fix, rousing often, until cleár, roughly 2-3 tránsáctions. áffect in seásoning ánd Europeán seásoning until odoriferous, álmost 1 point.
  4. Whisk in flour until softly tánned, neárly 1 min.
  5. Gráduálly beát in cáttle lumber ánd tomáto sáuce. Wreák to á temperáture; slenderize modify ánd simmer, rousing occásionálly, until low ánd slightly thickened, álmost 6-8 tránsáctions.
  6. ágitáte in pástá, meát ánd profound ointment until het finished, áctive 1-2 tránsáctions; seáson with bráckish ánd pepper, to discriminátion. Strike in mállow until dissolved, ábout 2 proceedings.
  7. Dish immediátely.

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