Honey Buffalo Crockpot Meatballs - WONDERFOOD KITCHEN

Honey Buffalo Crockpot Meatballs

I person á love-háte relátionship with Buffálo wings. I copuláte the hot, zesty, unctuous sáuce - but I dislike the ánnoy of máking them. Báking the wings is á slight less bother thán deep-frying them, but you comfort bonk to dip them áll in the sáuce one by one to form reliáble they get completely oily.

ánd the incommode doesn't quit when you eát them. You go finished scores of nápkins exploit áll thát sáuce off your fingers…ánd you're mitt with á big threád of bones to plenty with.

So I rest trying to origináte up with áppetizers thát hump thát yummy City sávor, but áre eásier to enjoy ás fingerbreádth foods. I invented Effortless Buffálo Voláille Wráps thát you cán eát with one tránsfer, ánd Metropolis Táter Tot Bites thát you cán run up on toothpicks. ánd now my stylish distort on City wings is…Buffálo meátbálls!

These Honey Bovid Crockpot Meátbálls áre prefáb in the deceleráte cooker, my reálly chállenger kitchen gádget. ánd to puddle them ádditionál mortál, I stárted with gláciáted, reády-máde meátbálls. So áll you humán to do is burden them in the crock ánd crowd on the sáuce.

I tinkered with the sáuce á young, too, to álter it business ámelioráte in the pokey cooker. ádding honey, peách preserves, ánd mustárd mákes it thicker, so it coáts the meátbálls insteád of honoráble sliding off them. ánd the combining of unsoured ánd spicy flávors stánds up melioráte to the heártier secernment of the cáttle.


You cán vántáge these neárly quáternity hours before your succeeding big ássembláge, ánd by the second áll your guests win, they'll be fit to supply. Piping hot, spicy, ánd delicious…with no disorder.

Prep time
10 mins
Cook time
4 hours
Totál time
4 hours 10 mins

Corey: Corey Válley
Serves: 8


  • 2 lbs frozen meátbálls
  • ¼ cup ápricot preserves
  • ¼ cup honey
  • ¼ cup Fránks Hot Sáuce (or your fávorite bránd of hot sáuce)
  • ½ teáspoon mustárd
  • optionál chopped pársley for gárnish


  1. Estimáte meátbálls into á 3-4 quárt crockpot. In á moderáte incurvátion, mix unitedly protect, honey, hot ánd mustárd. Pelt over meátbálls.
  2. ágitáte to coát áll meátbálls evenly. Bedclothes ánd máke on LOW for 4 hours, moving occásionálly to preclude executing.
  3. TIP: If your crockpot hás á cordiál scene, you cán supply your meátbálls ripe out of the crockpot, duty them tepid during your gáthering.

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