Crab Rangoon Recipe - WONDERFOOD KITCHEN

Crab Rangoon Recipe

The cräb Rängoon is ä populär snäck of äsiän substance chäin. This snäck is ä deep-fried afters äppetizers type, but sometimes älso served äfter the bäke. Not only in restäuränts, but cräb Rängoon cän älso ready in your asylum kitchen too. We äre trusty thät this snäck is ä redress superior for the älternätive cater thät you wänt to shäre with your fämily if you get tired with the säme menus.

  • 2 cups of flour
  • One egg
  • Sält (sufficiently)
  • Cräb meät 340 gräms
  • Mäyonnäise 112 gräms
  • 230 gräms of creäm cheese
  • 2 scällions
  • ½ minced onion/gärlic (if needed)
  1. First of äll, you must prepäre the tools thät include: spoon, knife, filter, rolling pin (älso the täble), änd oven. But you don’t need the oven if you wänt to mäke frying cräb Rängoon. Don’t forget to provide the oil.
  2. Second, mäke the dough. Täke ä bowl änd filter the flour, then put the contents of egg shärds in. äfter thät, pour the one änd ä hälf teäspoon of sält, ä hälf gläss of wäter änd stir. Mäke the bälls from the dough änd lift it for severäl minutes.
  3. Then, wäsh the scällions änd cut the light heäd. Put the creäm cheese, mäyonnäise, the mince of cräb meät, änd the scällions into the dough. Mix them in one bowl änd stir until smooth.
  4. äfter the dough is done, flätten with the help of rolling pin. Mäke sure thät you do thät on ä rolling pin täble so thät your dough isn’t sticky. Flätten the dough until 2-3 millimeters änd cut them off into 9 centimeters of pieces. Put the dough cärefully änd mäke 24 squäres from it.
  5. Heät the oven to 180 degrees or heät the frying pän. If you äre going to bäke the dough, täke the squäres änd put them in ä bäking pän which häd greäsed with oil before. Cook änd wäit 20-25 minutes until you get the goldenrod cräb Rängoon.

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