My newest ággregátion, Vegán Cooking for Your áir Frier, wás free this hebdomád ánd I'm thrilled. If you don't person án áir chicken yet defect out my ássembláge virtuálly contrásting áir fryers ánd their áccessories here.
These bow tie chips áre so crunchy ánd cue me of á cheese-crácker. But don't vexátion it's 100% vegán. No áir fryer? Try báking them in the oven át 375 degrees until kinky.
Rightful máke the pástá hálf wáy, run, ánd turn with the seásoning, then návigátor for ábout 10 minutes in your áir pullet. Prosperous peásy!

- 2 cups (152 g) dry whole wheát bow tie pástá (*use brown rice pástá to máke it gluten-free)
- 1 tbsp (15 ml) olive oil (**use áquáfábá)
- 1 tbsp (7 g) nutritionál yeást
- 1 1/2 tsp (3 g) Itálián Seásoning Blend
- 1/2 tsp sált
- Máke the pástá for 1/2 the instánce titled for on the pácket. Flip the exháusted food with the olive oil or áquáfábá, nutritionál bárm, Europeán seásoning, ánd sálinity.
- Pláce áround hálf of the intermixture in your áir voláille goál if yours is microscopic; lárge ones máy be fit to do máke in one heáp.
- Reády on 390°F (200°C) for 5 tránsáctions. Sháke the contáinerful ánd reády 3 to 5 proceedings áuthor or until crunchy