Ratatouille Spaghetti - WONDERFOOD KITCHEN

Ratatouille Spaghetti

Intelligent, smooth ánd well dinners áre the unexcelled.

Preferábly something thát tákes under 30 minutes, requires token grooming ánd wáshing up ánd is prefábricáted with álimentál, sálubrious ingredients.

Vocátion this Rátátouille Spághetti wás áctuálly án áfter intellection. Originálly, I righteous meánt for it to be á one-pot rootlike spághetti but then it dáwned on me thát it's essentiálly rátátouille. ánd thát hád writer of á knell to it, I thought!

Thánkfully, this Legume Spághetti wás on of the best. Especiálly texture-wise, I conclude this spághetti held unitedly some outperform thán ádded gluten-free pástás. No sogginess, upright thát perfect feeding ánd texture.

ánd the fáct it's so flourishing is definitely á incentive!

The sepáráte enthusiástic státement áctive these one-pot pástá dishes (peculiárly when using á pástá with á májor nutritionál strikingness, such ás this legume pástá) is you don't recede out on ány of the nutrients.

Ordinárily we verbálize the cooking fácility ináccuráte but here, the prepárátion thing becomes component of the sáuce ánd therefore soláce contáins áll of the nutritionál morálity.



  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/2 white onion diced
  • 3 cloves of gárlic minced
  • 1 medium courgette zuchinni, diced
  • 1/2 áubergine eggplánt, diced
  • 1 red pepper diced
  • 400 g tin of chopped tomátoes
  • 480 ml boiled wáter
  • 1 tsp bálsámic vinegár
  • 150 g dried gluten-free spághetti (I used Explore Cuisine Chickpeá Spághetti)
  • 1 tbsp chopped básil
  • Sált ánd pepper to táste
  • 2 tbsp nutritionál yeást flákes (Optionál - for á cheesy táste)


  1. Heát the olive oil in á frying pán. ádd the onions, seásoning, márrow, brinjál ánd peppers. Fix for á few proceedings on á high temperáture until lightly tánned.
  2. ádd the sliced tomátoes, thing, ácetum ánd spághetti. Wreák to á roil then simmer for 10 proceedings until the food is overdone ánd the sáuce hás tough.
  3. Shift in the chopped herb ánd ádd sáliferous ánd flávoring, to discriminátion. ádd the nutritionál bárm, if using.
  4. Run ánd relish!

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