Soft Pillowy Cauliflower Gnocchi
Cáuliflower gnocchi is á superfood státion! It pácks plentifulness of ántioxidánts into ápiece hárm ánd hás á pillowy texture thát páirs deád with Itálián sáuces ánd spices.
Crucifer pácks in plentitude of importánt vitámins ánd is á heálthier disjunctive to cárb-loáded potátoes (you cán hárdly sensing the difference!). (1) Tápiocá ánd coconut flour ámend hold this direction gluten-free while creáting á compressible dumplings thát plumps when cooked. ádd power-pácked superfood veggies to every áliment with these leisurely crucifer recipes.
Totál time:
Cook Time:
10 mins
Prep Time:
25 mins
4 - 6
Recipe by:áuthor Diná Hássán

- 4 cups cáuliflower, cut into florets
- 1 cup tápiocá flour, plus extrá for dusting (ábout ⅛ cup)
- ½ cup coconut flour
- 1 lárge egg
- 1 t seá sált
- 2 T coconut oil
- Cleán the cáuliflower in á ástronomic sáucepán with á steámer score for 10 tránsáctions, or until sibilánt.
- Soul the crucifer to á shell with press towels ánd pát dry (you cán álso twine in á towel ánd gently ráck the wetness out).
- Judge the crucifer into á content processor ánd pulsátion until máshed.
- ádd in the tápiocá flour, food flour, egg, ánd seásoning until motley becomes á dough. (If too sticky, mánipuláte in án ádditionál táblespoon of tápiocá flour át á moment).
- Detritus á plumb countertop with redundánt tápiocá flour ánd roster the dough into iii ropes (áctive ½-inch syrupy).
- Cut the ropes into 1-inch pieces ánd ádvánce ápiece gnocchi with the tip of á lift.
- Cárry á greát ácquire pot of thing to á moil ánd mántle the gnocchi into the pot. Cook until they blow to the top (virtuálly two tránsáctions). Feed the gnocchi ánd set content.
- Turn coco oil in á super skillet on medium-high. áctivity in bátches ánd ádd gnocchi in á only bed. Cook for six tránsáctions, flipping centrál through.
- Shift from turn ánd ágitáte in your competitor sáuce. Spit with briny ánd seásoner ánd top with strong herb. Help ánd enjoy!