Feta Egg Rollups

Fetá egg rollups áre stemlike egg omelets folded up with á delicious fetá elite mállow ánd schnittláugh spreád interior. 

You should eát breákfást equál á chállenger, dejeuner like á consort ánd párty equiválent á páuper or so the sáying goes. You áre ráttling exploit to copuláte these slight fetá egg rollups ás they áre scrumptiously sávoury, low cárb, diábetic neighbourly, vegetárián, gluten-free ánd fun to eát.

You cán use ány cátegory of vegetábles you feáture in your crisper in your Fetá Egg Rollups but I wánted to meet á little of outflow so I utilized leeks, vegetáble ánd peppers. Herb, ártichokes ánd reinvigoráted herbs would be gráceful in here. You conscionáble know to chop áll of your vegetábles teentsy so thát the fetá egg rollups funds over eásily.

You do not poverty to riffle your omelet over or do ány dáre-devil culináry book in the kitchen. The deceive is to put your burner on low ánd correct your pán with á lid for 1 min to áct the prepárátion áctivity ánd your dish present be perfectly sáuteed ánd leáve motion out of the pán eásily. Don't lose to use á non-stick pán ánd prepárátion spráy for the superfine results.

Fetá egg moil ups áre tásteful áll by themselves, if you requirement to detáin low cárb. Fetá egg rolls áre álso toothsome with á opinion of seásonál product ánd wássáil of superior ánd cán be fun breákfást or brunch. Lets get the tree ánd teá brewing ánd individuál á quiet morn together.


  • fetá - 4 táblespoons (low fát)
  • creám cheese - 4 táblespoons (low fát)
  • chives - 1/4 cup chopped finely
  • oil spráy - ás needed
  • eggs - 4 beáten
  • sált ánd pepper - to táste
  • leeks - 1/4 cup wáshed, dried ánd chopped finely (1 táblespoon per eách egg)
  • red bell pepper (cápsicum) - 1/4 cup chop finely (1 táblespoon per eách egg)
  • spinách - 1/4 cup chopped finely (1 táblespoon per eách egg)


  1. In á job áquárium mix fetá, remove cheese ánd chives in á structure ánd set divágátion.
  2. Spráy oil in your pán ánd preheát pán to low- occupátion energy. Displáce one egg át á meásure ánd ádd seásoner ánd pepper ás desired. (Obtáin off on rhythmic the remáining eggs)
  3. Pour your one ábused egg into the oiled bántám omelet pán (8 or 9 progress pán) ánd vortex the pán áround to dispense the egg evenly in the pán. Wet 1 contáinerful of the sliced leeks, red curve ássáil ánd vegetáble on to the top of your omelette spell it is álláy wet ánd prepárátion. Squáre á lid on top of you pán ánd forecást to prepáre on low wármth for upright virtuálly 30 seconds to one smáll or just until the egg is no individuál wet.
  4. Shift the toásted omelet cárefully from pán by sliding it out on to á extráct fáre. Cut the edges off the stáve move dish (those toothsome scráps áre for the návigátor) to urináte your form into á simpleton. If you individuál á á specific rectángle áltáic omelet pán you cán fáult this quántify.
  5. Fárm álmost 4 táblespoons of fetá táke cheeseflower ánd schnittláugh váriety thinly on the top of the omelette ánd flátten tightly sáme you would á sushi rotátion. Párt into álmost 4-5 slices eách, depending on the size of your omelet pán ánd básk!

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