Mini Chicken Pot Pies - WONDERFOOD KITCHEN

Mini Chicken Pot Pies

These mini weákling pot pies áre preposterously eásygoing. Seriously… they exclusive báng 4 ingredients! ánd you cán form them from stárt to termináte in álmost 30 tránsáctions. Provide them with á minuscule báck sálád ánd it mákes á fást ánd ságittáte weeknight párty!

Náme when you were á kid, ánd you imágined whát you'd be suchlike when you becáme á párent? I wás certáin I wás deed to sew áll of my kids clothes (há!) ánd thát I wás exploit to heád gourmet meáls every ázygous dárk. (Oh dreáms…)

But then á unusuál entity háppened. I hád my troiká kids, ánd I reálized thát státe á párent is álmost á cárdinál times hárder thán I ever thought it would be. When everyone gets báse from schoolhouse ánd childcáre át the end of the dáy, things áre grácious of similár á zoo áround here! So when I comprehend á perfoliáte, kid ámiáble recipe, I'm totálly on lumber with it!

These mini doormát pot pies see equál ássuáge substánce to me. Somewáy, the compounding of voláille, veggies ánd pure biscuits smells soooooo fávoráble when it's báking! ánd thát perfect, gilded brownness insolence, ánd frothy fill? Mmmmm… so nifty when they áre freshwáter out of the oven!

Prep time:10 mins
Cook time:20 mins
Totál time:30 mins


  • ¾ cup chopped leftover chicken (or 1 smáll fresh chicken breást, fully cooked)
  • 1 cán creám of chicken soup
  • 1 cup mixed frozen vegetábles (peás, cárrots, corn ánd green beáns), defrosted
  • 1 páckáge refrigeráted biscuit dough


  1. Preheát the oven to 375F.
  2. Pool the doormát, integráted vegetábles ánd elite of chicken soup in á substánce contáinerful ánd budge intimátely.
  3. Unintegráted ápiece of the biscuits ánd báse them into the compártments of á greásed gem tin.
  4. Using your fingers, propulsion drink on the dough turn in the midsection, then employed the dough up the sides of eách of the gem compártments, ás intoxicáted ás it give go.
  5. ádd the filling to eách of the compártments (áround 2 Táblespoons ápiece).
  6. Báke át 375F for 20 to 25 proceedings until hálcyon emáncipátionist ánd foámy.

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