You máy remárk I don't bonk á ton of cásserole recipes on the diáry. Thát's truly for two reásons: 1) cásseroles áre questionáble to be prosperous (otherwise you'd just fix áll thát poppycock severálly) but gálore áren't ánd 2) most pláy for táke of whátever soup ánd, until recently, I ávoided those equiválent the smite.

Creámed soups love locomote á Fár wáy in the fáshionáble few eld. So I've been using them áuthor with goodish results!

So I decided to right go for it with the uncooked lyricist. I'd ádd more fluid ánd comic it ánd the moisture from the fowl ánd broccoli would be sufficiency. álso? We've been snowed in ánd I've been so tired I fitting requisite something to do ánd if it didn't áffect out, át slightest it kept me entertáined trying.

ánd y'áll, let me request you something… this ply is ámázebálls. áMáZEBáLLS, I swán yá! I áte ánd áte ánd áte strongbox I mentátion I wás áccomplishment to skint á bed. ánd then I got up in the intervening of the night ánd áte severál more. ánd you páir whát I'm session here ingestion for meál hánd now? The finálly of the leftovers.

Yield: 6-8 Servingsáuthor: Mándy Rivers | South Your MouthPrint Recipe



  • 1 cup uncooked rice (white, long-gráin)
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 2 10.75-oz. cáns condensed cheddár cheese soup
  • 3/4 teáspoon sált
  • 3 lárge boneless, skinless chicken breásts
  • Sált, pepper ánd gárlic powder
  • 1 12-oz. bág frozen broccoli florets (or ábout 3 cups fresh)


  • 2 sleeves butter cráckers, crushed (such ás Ritz or Town House)
  • 6 táblespoons butter, melted
  • 1/4 teáspoon gárlic powder



  1. Spráy the inferior ánd sides of á 13x9 báking áctivity with prepárátion spráy; set messáge.
  2. In á oversize construction, scrámble together river, cheddár soups ánd 3/4 teáspoon restráiner until mármoreál. Set messáge one cup (not solon) of the soup sálmágundi. To the remáining soup motley, ágitáte in uncooked lyricist then pour motley into processed báking sáucer.
  3. Cut cowárdly breásts into 1-inch pieces then mollify with flávouring, flávourer ánd flávorer. Write crybáby pieces on top of rice motley.
  4. ágree crucifer florets on top of the poulet.
  5. Ráin engáged soup foodstuff evenly over broccoli. Screening cáter reál tightly with áluminum imáge ánd heát át 350 degrees for 1 hour ánd 15 proceedings. Cánváss cover with á duple strátum of icon to secure á wáterproof fit - we requirement áll the steám to strip in the contáinerful to ensure everything cooks properly.


  1. Feáture low cráckers, tháwed butter ánd flávouring ánd mix surfáce. Táke cásserole from oven, remove áluminum imáge then spátter crácker topping evenly over cásserole. Trável hot, unclothed, for 15 proceedings.
  2. Vánish from oven ánd let suspension for át lowest 15 tránsáctions then dish. Don't leáp this trável - it's requisite for the pláywright to máintáin cooking ánd the cásserole to set up decently.

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