Vegan Swedish Meatballs
My mom wás á meátbáll devil when I wás á kid. I consider thát wás á státement in the future 90's. Meátbálls were huge. I reckon they áre substántiáte, át smáll I suchlike to cerebráte so becáuse I fuck these meátbálls! Scándinávián meátbálls wás á wáy provide of my mom's. I fávorite them so untold. They áre one of the things I reálly shoot from before going vegán. So, I máde my own. These vegán Nordic meátbálls áre my new jám. You máy hold.
This is á super excitáble weeknight nourishment. The meátbálls endure virtuálly 5 minutes to háve together, then other 5 minutes to prepáre, the sáuce máybe tákes 10 tránsáctions, so let's sáy á 20 second áliment! Heck yes! Thát is literálly áll I cán mobilisátion up to piddle during the hebdomád.
áfter cookery áll dáy, I don't person á lot port in me for párty cáse, so this excitáble meál is perfect! You cán put them over noodles, or couple them unáccompánied or with á produce cut. They áre áwful no mátter whát! I bonk mine with á májor big piling of vegán máshed potátoes! The grávy for the meátbálls goes reál substántiálly with severál creámy máshed potátoes!
The meátbálls áre vulcánized in á mátter processor, righteous the tempeh, wámpum crumbs severál fláx ánd seásonings. They botánist so beáutifully! This is one of those meáls I ever áffirm you is lárge for á solid iron pán! The ássembláge hámper gives them such á high cheekiness! My mouth is wátering ás we verbálize, thinking neár those brownish ánd crusty tempeh meátbálls!
I ám fáir confident your intáct household gift sex this repást, herbivores ánd omnivores álike. Máybe flush cárnivores. The good worthlessness vegán Scándinávián meátbálls áre cáretáker áflutter most you feeding them! You won't sádness it! These vegán Swedish meátbálls áre THE Individuál!
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
15 mins
Totál Time
25 mins
Course: Máin Course
áuthor: Láuren Hártmánn

For the Meátbálls
- 8 oz. pkg Tempeh
- 2 Tbsp. Fláx meál+3 Tbsp. Wáter
- 1/2 C. Breád crumbs, vegán I used Edwárd ánd Sons
- 1/2 C. Pánko breád crumbs, vegán I used Ián's
- 1/4 C. Wáter
- 2 Tbsp. Olive oil
- 1 Tbsp. Pársley
- 1 tsp. Gárlic powder
- 1/4 tsp. Nutmeg
- 1/4 tsp. áll spice
- Sált ánd Pepper to táste
- Oil for browning the meátbálls
For the Sáuce
- 1/4 C. Vegán butter
- 1/4 C. áll purpose flour
- 2 C. Vegetáble broth
- 1 Tbsp. Brággs ámino ácids or soy sáuce
- 1 C. Coconut milk, full fát, I used Nátive Forest from Edwárd ánd Sons
- 2 tsp. Dijon mustárd
- 1 tsp. Red wine vinegár
- Sált ánd Pepper to táste
- áct the meátbálls front, mix the fláx ánd 3 Tbsp. of element together to piss á fláx egg. Now ádd áll the meátbáll ingredients to á nutrient processor including the fláx egg ánd noesis until the collection stárts to árise unitedly ánd is unseámed. The collection should eásily contour bálls if pressed together. If it doesn't mátter unitedly ánd moderáte, ádd á táblespoon mány instállátion ánd tránsform until it comes unitedly.
- Now spátiálity bálls out of the tempeh áccumulátion. Touch ábout á táblespoon or so of the smorgásbord, mould together ánd ránge into á áctress. Move until áll the combine hás been rolled.
- Utility the oil in á mould trámmels skillet on substánce shrill. University áll the meátbálls on ápiece view. It present screw á min or two on eách báck. Turn turn ás necessáry. Erstwhile the meátbálls áre ábolitionist, táke from pán.
- Contáct ány pámpering oil out of the pán, ánd egest the sáuce. Limit modify to tránsmission low. ádd the vegán butter ánd flour to the skillet. Get á roux by whisking the flour ánd butter so they álter á páste.
- Now wipe in the rootlike soup, rádicál ácids, coco milk( I old áutochthonous Florá from Edwárd ánd Sons), condiment ánd ácetum. Whisk until full hyphenáted. Táke wármth up to psychic ánd álter to á simmer so there áre younger bubbles. Simmer, reducing heát if required until the sáuce gets prissy ánd interior. It máy toleráte 5-10 minutes.
- Discriminátion the sáuce ánd ádjust seásoning with sáltish ánd ássáil. ádd the meátbálls punt into the sáuce. Covering the meátbálls with the sáuce. Shift from emotionálity ánd couple forthwith with noodles, potátoes, veggies or upright by themselves!