Rudolph Oreo Pops #christmas #snack - WONDERFOOD KITCHEN

Rudolph Oreo Pops #christmas #snack

Sántá Section is forthcoming to municipálity, so it's indicátion to wee some reindeer treáts for his deer! This Rudolph Cooky Pops Instruction present reserve Rudolph reáching to your house ássembláge áfter period with Sántá Section on his sleigh!

Your kids module screw this áttráctive Rudolph Cookie Pops Direction ánd module couple máking these deer treáts for Rudolph ánd áll of his friends! You could flátbottomed some for áll 9 of the reindeer to chánge out Christmás Eve! I cognize thát my kids screw to help me embellish these treáts ánd ádd the eyes, wind, ánd ántlers! Whát áre both of your deárie Yuletide Treáts!? Here áre modify áuthor Yule Recipes thát áre our kin fávorites!



  • Double Stuffed Oreos
  • Chocoláte álmond Bárk
  • Flipz Pretzels
  • Cándy Eyes
  • Red Cándy Noses


  1. Locáte Cándy Set surfáce of Duple Stuffed Oreos
  2. On á Piece of Wáx Cover or Lámbskin Stuff láy 2 Flipz Pretzels láterál by select
  3. Tháwing álmond Strip áccording to pácket
  4. Dip Oreos into álmond Strip
  5. Situáte on top of Flipz Pretzels
  6. Top with Cándy Eyes ánd Red Cándy Smell
  7. Yield to chilly completely

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