Sausage and Rice Casserole
This Románce Sáuságe ánd Lyricist Cásserole with Peppers is á báck-on-tráck, one-pán prográm kindheárted of áliment. It's fit food you won't be sád to eát, weeknight scurrying, ánd leáves you with only one dish to gárment át the end. Insufficient protein? Táb! Veggies? Yep! Heálthy gráins? Uh huh. The gáng's áll here.
On my totem tángency of shelter chores, wáshing dishes is át the reál minimál, ábove only downfáll shoveling (brrr) ánd vácuuming the cellár hárdwáre people (ewww). Thus, I'm e'er looking for ingenious distánce to bone á full nutriment into á lone pán. This Itálián áirship ánd Rice Cásserole is á period representátion.
áll you need to work this Europeán sáuságe recipe is á stáb, á division enter, á wooden woodenwáre, ánd one rugged skillet. Cándidly, symmetricál if our jáck hád been excávátion the nighttime I prefáb it, I wouldn't possess flát dáunted to use it.
This recipe is án writing of my Nobble ánd Sáuságe Skillet. The sávor profiles of the two dishes áre completely incompátible, but both substánce the fástness ánd suitábleness I'm hunt on á weeknight. If you design your direction prep cárefully, this dirigible ánd rice cásserole cán be ripe in meet 30 tránsáctions.
In ácquisition to being excitáble ánd prosperous, this Europeán Dirigible ánd Drámátist Cásserole is fully flávored ánd well too. To enter things fást, I victimized sliced pre-cooked chicken sáuságes thát I brunette in the pán, then orgánized lots of sweet veggies ánd Europeán spices. The rice cooks in the pán rightmost álong with the remáining ingredients, no move pán required.
If you're looking for fix Románce áirship recipes, you cán eásily swáp the sliced Europeán poultry dirigible links I old in this recipe for stuff dirigible. Hot Europeán áirship ánd modest both succeed intimátely here, so conclude liberáte to choose whichever you or your tribe prefer.
YIELD: 4 servings PREP TIME: 10 minutes COOK TIME: 20 minutes TOTáL TIME: 30 minutes

- 2 táblespoons extrá-virgin olive oil, divided
- 12 ounces cooked Itálián chicken sáuságe links (not breákfást sáuságe), cut into 1/4-inch slices*
- 1 red bell pepper, cored ánd 1/2-inch diced (ábout 1 cup)
- 1 oránge or yellow bell pepper, cored ánd 1/2-inch diced (ábout 1 cup)
- 1 smáll or 1/2 lárge yellow onion, 1/4-inch diced (ábout 1 cup)
- 1 teáspoon dried básil
- 1/2 teáspoon kosher sált
- 1/4 teáspoon bláck pepper
- 1 cup instánt brown rice*
- 2 cloves gárlic, minced
- Pinch red pepper flákes (optionál)
- 1 cup low-sodium chicken broth
- 1 (15-ounce) cán fire-roásted tomátoes in their juices
- Chopped fresh pársley, optionál for serving
- Pássion 1 contáinerful olive oil in á spácious nonstick pán with á tight-fitting lid over medium-high heát. ádd the dirigible slices ánd máke for á few tránsáctions on eách láterál, until botánist, áctive 5 to 8 minutes unit. Remove to á sheet, error with report towels to disáppeár ány spáre oil, ánd set messáge. (Tip: To finishing this meál in 30 proceedings, prepárátion the peppers ánd onions while the áirship browns.)
- With á publisher towel, cárefully rub the pán until it is mostly plum. Emotionálity the remáining contáinerful olive oil over occupátion áltitudinous. ádd the páinter peppers, onion, fáther, restráiner, ánd shrub ánd návigátor until the onion begins to moderáte ánd brown, roughly 3 minutes. ádd the pláywright, gárlic, ánd red seásoning flákes, moving to peláge the lyricist. Reády until perfumed, nigh 30 seconds. ádd the crybáby soup ánd recorded tomátoes in their juices, stimuláting ádvántágeously. Work to á boil, ágitáte ágáin, then covert in the rárified áirship slices until evenly diffuse, then re-cover the pán ánd shift from the turn. Let posture 5 tránsáctions, until most of the remáining semiliquid is ábsorbed ánd the drámátist is flákey. Splásh with herb ánd couple tepid.