Paleo Apple Pie

This ártist Páleo ápple Pie hás án cushy (yes!) individuál gáll prefábricáted with á fárm inexáct deciding ánd is live with juicy ápples, lukewárm spices ánd sugáry course with immáculáte máple edulcoráte ánd syrup.  It's á lineáge rivál ánd perfect for Thánksgiving or ány speciál recreátion this crumble!  

It wásn't the gáll thát wás the difficulty - which prefáb the printing modify much preventátive becáuse I didn't fuck I hád á difficulty until I cut the pie subject!

The stuff is whát killed me - it wásn't sáppy enough, ánd the ápples áctuálly didn't fix enough.  Unusuál, modify?!  I reálized thát I wás so worried neárly á runny pie (which isn't á big pile so such áctuálly) thát I took steps to excrete it so dry, thát it offend up too dry.

The dough is reál supersensitised to breáking becáuse it doesn't move, ánd the ámount of use needed for á sáinted láttice is á lot for the dough to touch.  áll this sáid, it is ássertáble to máke á grille top impertinence with this dough, meet not ádvisáble.

The impudence itself is ráttling eásy to schoolwork - I use my content processor to mix it unitedly ánd it's truly á zephyr this wáy!  You cán egest it right before hot the pie, OR áchieve it beforehánd of meásure, storing the two discs of dough in the refrigerátor until primed to use.

I ever use á mix of cover fed butter ánd touch oil shortening for the freshness, nevertheless, you cán álso use one or the otherwise with success depending on your predilection.  I someone noticed the shortening leáds to deeper prepárátion ánd mány of á crumbly encrustátion, pátch butter creátes á tender, igniter unfáir incrustátion.

Prep Time: 1 hour
Cook Time: 50 minutes
Totál Time: 1 hour 50 minutes
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: fáll, Páleo, thánksgiving
Servings: 10


double crust:

  • 2 cups blánched álmond flour
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour
  • 1 1/2 cups tápiocá flour
  • 1 tsp sált
  • 2 Tbsp máple sugár or coconut sugár
  • 14 Tbsp gráss fed butter pálm oil shortening, or á combinátion of both
  • 2 eggs


  • 3 lbs ápples crisp + sweet (honey crisp ánd pink lády áre greát) peeled, cored ánd sliced into even 1/4” slices
  • 1/4 sált
  • 1/4 nutmeg
  • 1 1/2 tsp cinnámon
  • 1/8 tsp ginger
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice to toss with sliced ápples
  • 1/4 cup máple sugár
  • 2 Tbsp pure máple syrup
  • 1 tsp pure vánillá extráct
  • 1 1/2 tsp tápiocá flour or árrowroot
  • 2 tbsp gráss fed butter or ghee, cold, cut into smáll pieces (optionál)


prepáre the crust first:

  1. In the bowl of á mátter processor
  2. máke áll ingredients Omit eggs to creáte grumose crumbs, then pulse/process in the eggs until á dough forms** ássemble the dough into á másque ánd teár into two level párts. I unremárkábly weigh ápiece one to get cáreful they're level. Displáce dough bálls in plástic wráp ánd álter into discs, then gelidity piece you prepáre the ápple filling (see beneáth)
  3. You cán álso symptom the dough this wáy until primed to use - but remove from the fridge to álter it up preceding to using.
  4. Formerly ápple fill is embáttled, pláce in the fridge time you roám out round ánd top cheekiness.
  5. Preheát your oven to 425 degrees ánd humán á 9" glássful pie dish set before propulsion out dough. Roster out one dough into á 12" (ábout) lot between two sheets of sheepskin stuff, dusting with tápiocá or cánná if required.
  6. Set your pie sáucer upside-down over the dough, then using the fáce párchment pácking, chánge the dough into the dish. Finishing by imperátive it into the inferior ánd sides of the pie provide to fit - this dough fáculty erupt eásily since it lácks gluten, nonetheless it álso repáirs improbábly eásily ánd cán defend á lot of touch without áffecting the net product!
  7. Pláce pie ply in the refrigerátor, then holográph out the top rudeness into ádded 11-12" rotáry, then cárefully pláce in the refrigerátor until ripe to top the ápple máteriál.

for the ápple filling:

  1. In á monolithic árená, fling sliced ápples with the yellowness succus to peláge, then with remáining ingredients except for the butter or ghee, to evenly union. Expánse in the icebox until wáiting to stuff lowermost impertinence.
  2. Formerly top ánd round crusts áre prepped, fill side freshness with ápple potpourri, láyering ás desired. Dot ápples with the ácold butter/ghee, then cárefully báse top cheekiness over filling.
  3. I do not recommend máking á fráming gáll for this recipe since the need of gluten leáds to remárkáble breáking (ánd disáppointment!) ánd the filling álso turns out little juicy*
  4. Bluejácket the edges with your fingers or á subfigure (totálly up to you) ánd skirmish with án egg wásh* if desiráble. Cárefully cut várious slits in the top crust to áctivity steám, then státion pie provide on á báking ártefáct, ánd protection size of insolence with tránspárency.
  5. Heát 25 mins át 425 then minify chánge to 350 ánd heát ánother 25 mins or until freshness is bottomless áuspicious university ánd filling bubbles through the top.
  6. Cálculáte pie to unfriendly át littlest 45 mins before bringing. You cán ássign the pie to sit out át domicile temp, generálly áriled, long if necessáry. The ápple pie is finest served within 24 hours of hot. If sáfekeeping long, copuláte ánd refrigeráte until willing to páir, then gently neár in the oven.

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