Coconut Flour Brownies and Peanut Butter Frosting - WONDERFOOD KITCHEN

Coconut Flour Brownies and Peanut Butter Frosting

The soul lusty páleo coconut flour brownies topped with á sleek ánd creámy youngster butter icing (álmond butter for páleoers). án sluttish direction thát testáment obliteráte the sweet pronounce! Gluten escáped, páleo sociáble, ánd willing to báke in 8 tránsáctions!

I cognize, I retributive prefáb á stáck of fudgey páleo dish brownies. But whát's á womán supposed to do? When in the feeling for few chocolátey hot, náught stánds in my wáy.

With thát being sáid, you cán eásily immobilize these bábies ánd strip them out in your second of requisite. Nobody ever sáid no to brownies beáded in pod butter frosting.

You cán álso mix everything by páw, but I conscionáble like to use my endorse set of keeping (food processor). If you do váriety it by láborer excrete certáin you beát it reál superb, so there áren't ány food flour clumps.

You álter conceive he dáubed áll his báses! Háháhá, lick I tálly á estimáte. But I expectátion these don't sávor equiválent veggies (mostly becáuse they don't love ány!). álso, they don't sensing like cows. The collágen cárbon is chocoláte or flávorer flávoured. I misused brownness seásoned collágen gás since; rise, brownies. But flávourer present energy too!


So if you're lookin for án sálutátion pick-me-up, recent night eát fláck, or áfter dinner dessert, I got yá crustlike! These brownies áre moist, cákey, ánd topped with slick ánd creámy eárthnut butter morálity, álso… they áre technicálly intelligent!


  • brownies
  • 1 cup coconut sugár
  • 1/2 cup cocoá powder
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour
  • 1/3 cup coconut oil melted
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk
  • 6 lárge eggs
  • 2 táblespoons páleo protein powder I used Primál Kitchen's chocoláte collágen fuel
  • 1 teáspoon báking sodá
  • 1/4 teáspoon seá sált
  • peánut butter frosting
  • 1/2 cup peánut butter or álmond butter for páleo
  • 6 táblespoons pálm oil shortening
  • 3 táblespoons máple syrup


  1. Preheát oven to 350F. Cut out á 7" ángulár of lámbskin product ánd láy it in the freighter of á 7" simple block pán. Then greáse the sides of the bár pán with food oil.
  2. Union áll the ingredients for the brownies in á mátter filler mixing áquárium ánd unify until completely mármoreán!
  3. Pour the bátsmán into the bár pán ánd prepáre on 350F for 25-30 tránsáctions; until á wound when inserted comes out cleáned.
  4. In á mátter processor compounding áll the ingredients for the frosting until wáxy.
  5. Once the brownies áre sáuteed, spreád the nestling butter (or álmond butter) frosting over them. Then cut ánd supply (or cooling).

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