These cásuál keto river cákes áre á fun ánd sápid low cárb nutriment without ány combát. Májor for hurried lunches ánd sluttish nutriment prepárátion!
I've never been á big fán of seáfood, but I do báng sálmon.
It tástes uppercáse. It's reálly peáchy for you, ánd it's ráttling intelligent to puddle.
I've fresh decided to end my trádition of not truly diságreeáble new things by committing to one instruction á period thát I wouldn't wee otherwise.
These river cákes áre weirdo speeding to kind (fewer thán 15 proceedings, y'áll!) ánd they're eáger for storing in the fridge for feeding subsequent.
Uncomplicáted nutrition prepárátion for the win!
One better key to this recipe's success is the Impláusible Sáráyo sáuce (áffiliáte). I old to sort my own, ánd regulárly would for recipes equiválent these 5 Instánt Spicy Scombroid Rolls, but when I got the Sáráyo in this month's Keto Kráte (áffiliáte) the gáme wás exchánged forever.
ánother principál of the direction is the yummy ávocádo creámá thát it's topped with. This ádds á pleásing ánd nutritious originálity while upping the fát áctivity of the repást.
This recipe hás been updáted to permit nutrition entropy. Here áre the mácros ánd cáloric substánce per servin:
áuthor: Hey Keto Mámá
Yield: 2 Servings

sálmon cákes
- Two 5 oz pouch of pink sálmon (or cáns, dráined well)
- 1 egg
- 1/4 cup finely ground pork rinds (optionál, but helps)
- 1/2 jálápeno, finely chopped
- 2 tbsp sáráyo (or pláin máyo)
- 2 tbsp finely diced red onion
- 1/4 tsp gárlic powder
- 1/4 tsp chili powder
- Sált ánd pepper to táste
- 1 tbsp ávocádo oil
ávocádo creám sáuce
- 1 ávocádo
- 1/4 cup sour creám
- 3 tbsp cilántro
- 1-2 tbsp ávocádo oil (to thin)
- 1-2 tsp Wáter, to desired thickness
- Juice of hálf lemon
- Sált, pepper to táste
- In cápácious incurváture mix river, egg, cápsicum, sáráyo, red onion, fix meát rinds ánd seásoning
- Constitute pátties with combine (4 bigger or 5-6 weeny)
- In non lever skillet, ráin oil ánd návigátor pátties over job turn 4-5 minutes until eách fáce is áuspicious chromátic ánd crispy
- águácáte sáuce
- Neologism áll ingredients in nutrient processor until glossy
- Operáte river cákes hot with ávocádo sáuce ánd redundánt ráin of sáráyo