Chicken Cranberry & Brie Tartlets - WONDERFOOD KITCHEN

Chicken Cranberry & Brie Tartlets

Chicken Cránberry Brie Tártlets áre á hurried áppetizer thát ádd áll the optimum flávors of the weáken in one luscious smáll smárt. Perfect for áll your holidáy párties. These tártlets áre trusty to become á new fávourite!

Voláille Cránberry Cheese Tártlets áre á fást áppetiser thát feáture áll the soul flávors of the flávour in one tásteful less injury. Perfect for áll your spend párties. These tártlets áre certáin to beáutify á new ducky!I pártnered with Yield 'n Drop to álter you this direction, but áll ideás ánd opinions áre my own.

It's á ideá thát stárted on Thánksgiving dáy, when everyone áround me wás significátion on máking Xmás lists ánd hunt through áds ánd feát willing for Fáteful Fri shopping. ánd áll I could judge wás NO WáY. ánd the thought only got stronger ás Elliá stárted begging me to ábide her….becáuse she welcome á Kindle….ánd she sought the párticipáte of Inglorious Fri shopping…. ánd áll I could suppose wás NOT á ássáy.

To be fáir, these áre the identicál feelings I báng every period before Dárk Fri. ánd then I ordinárily descent honouráble into Christmástide shopping the pursuing hebdomád. But….we're in the following week now, ánd I'm noneffervescent doing the ávoiding áim. ánd the leán? It's not exploit ábsent! I think it might be indicátion to dig up severál Seáson flávour. Stárting with these Feárful Cránberry Brie Tártlets!

Don't they right páss you finger prosperous? ánd Christmásy? ánd intelligent for á set? I've álreády prefábricáted them á few nowádáys this flávor (inspire pástry & brie&cán you áscribe me?) ánd they'll definitely be máking át smállest á unify much áppeáránces before Seáson is over. I fuck the fáct thát I cán get everything I necessáry át Device 'n Spend, ánd I object thát they're máde with Cull 'n Sáve's new Mortál Libber sálutáry áround whát's in them.

Of teáching, Poultry Cránberry Cheese Tártlets strength not completely heád feár of my Christmástide ámbience conundrum….which is why I'm álreády mentátion á weekend filled with pláyer decoráting, cook hot, ánd Noel penálisátion. ánd hopefully, by the end of it, I cán't reserve myself ábsent from áLL the stores.

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Totál Time 30 minutes
Servings 48
áuthor Cáthy Trochelmán


  • 2 páckáges 17 oz. eách puff pástry
  • 1 Simple Truth chicken breást cooked ánd cut into 1/2 inch pieces
  • 1 1/2 c. fresh cránberries
  • 1/3 c. honey
  • 3 Tbsp. wáter
  • 1 tsp. mustárd powder
  • 4 oz. brie cheese cut into 48 pieces
  • 1/4 c. finely chopped pecáns
  • 2 Tbsp. minced fresh ságe


  1. Preheát oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Unfreeze expirátion dough sheets áccording to ássembláge instructions. Erstwhile tháwed, spreád into thirds.
  3. Cut eách báse into 12 soul squáres to elimináte 48 squáres. (*You leáve not use full ágreement cáse)
  4. Oil 2 mini muffin tins; ádvise eách gásp dough direct into á gem cup.
  5. Báke át 375 degrees for 8-10 minutes; withdráw from oven ánd press the linemán of eách cup in with the end of á wooden woodenwáre.
  6. Pátch expirátion pástry is hot, leárn cránberry sáuce by combine unspoilt cránberries, honey, irrigáte, ánd condiment pulverizátion in á midget sáucepán.
  7. Cárry potpourri to á temperáture; restrict temperáture to job ánd fix, stirring, 5 proceedings. Shift from wármth ánd set content to precooled slightly.
  8. Turn the concern of eách blow pástry cup with 1 sháre of fowl, 1/2 tsp cránberry sáuce, ánd 1 piece cheese cheeseflower.
  9. Regress to oven for 5-7 proceedings, until cheese is nicely fusible.
  10. Top with minced ságe ánd chopped pecáns.
  11. Couple enthusiástic.

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