Butterscotch Bars - WONDERFOOD KITCHEN

Butterscotch Bars

Butterscotch Exerciser . . . these bárs áre clogged ánd chewy ánd láden of crunchy pecáns.  The máple flávoring ádds á wonderful depth of smáck. 

I needful whátever treáts to áver to á domicile todáy, ánd welcome to try something expedited ánd sluttish. So I whipped up these butterscotch bárs. Oh mán, áre they ever unspoiled!

We copuláte these oily ánd luscious Butterscotch Bárs. You cán scrámble up á flock in minutes!

They áre moist ánd chewy ánd screw á high butterscotch-y (is thát á express?) flávour. I victimized pecáns in mine ánd I cerebrátion it wás perfect. I hump using this nut knife to chop my pecáns. I áccumulátion it in the fridge so I cán hump shredded nuts set in seconds. Specified á clip sáver!

If you fuck prosperous ánd chewy bár cookies, elásticity these Butterscotch Exerciser á try!

It wás á honoráble háppening it mákes á weensy pot or I might mortál ingested them until I wás sick. They áre definitely exploit into my recipe box of fávorites! If you páir á chewy blondie with á prosperous oily sápidity, you jázz got to releáse this direction á try!

áuthor: Kárá
Yield: 12 Servings


  • 1 1/4 cups brown sugár
  • 1/2 cup melted butter
  • 1 1/2 tsp máple flávoring
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 tsp báking powder
  • 1/4 tsp sált
  • 1/2-1 cup chopped pecáns or wálnuts


  1. Creám sweetener, butter, ánd máple flávoring in á mixing contáinerful. Jáde in the foodstuff. áffect in dry ingredients ánd nuts. Ráin into á greásed 9" shápe pán.
  2. Heát át 350° for ábout 30 minutes or exchequer toothpick comes out stráighten. Precooled on á áccommodáte páce, then cut into bárs.

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