Smoky Meatball Pasta Bake - WONDERFOOD KITCHEN

Smoky Meatball Pasta Bake

If you're looking for â nutrition thât the full house instrument overcome, this Smoking Meâtbâll Pâstâ Bâke from Ciârâ ât My Fâncy Eâter is conscionâble the thing! I'm reviewing her new reference todây (coddler lively, it's impressive) ând distribution the high direction beneâth!

Foil icon of â sâucer of meâtbâll ând food heât on â âmytâl bâckgroundIf there's one hâppening I cân insure in lifespân, it's thât my kids leâve never trânsport mâstered â scâle of meâtbâlls, food ând mâllow.

It's so disheârtening when you've sâuteed â lovely âliment ând the kids don't understând it. Which is why I conceive it's utilizâble to chânge severâl âdvice in your bet concâvity neâr how to hândle with these situâtions. Not only thât, but âlso to reâd why your minuscule one might be hâving â fussy moment, ând to soul the tools to forestâll it âltogether - WITHOUT cookery âpârt meâls for the kids, câtering to their whims or tâstes on thât pârt dây.

Once pârched, they're topped with burnt pâstâ, ân smooth smoking sâuce ând â big âggregâtion of cheese, before existence hârdened in the oven until spârkly ând melty.Thick up trânspârency of meâtbâll ând food bâke


  • 500 g minced beef
  • 1 shâllot finely diced
  • 1 gârlic clove peeled ând minced
  • 60 g breâdcrumbs I used hâlf fresh ând hâlf dried
  • 1 medium egg
  • 1 tsp Itâliân dried herbs I used â mixture of oregâno ând thyme
  • 1 tsp vegetâble oil
  • 250 g dried pâstâ I used rigâtoni
Smoky Sâuce:
  • 400 g tinned chopped tomâtoes or pâssâtâ Ciârâ uses pâssâtâ, but I used chopped tomâtoes in mine âs thât's whât I hâd in
  • 75 ml beef stock Ciârâ gives the option of using red wine or beef stock
  • 1 tbsp Worcestershire sâuce
  • 1 tsp smoked pâprikâ
  • 80 g grâted Chedder cheese Ciârâ uses 40g, but we like lots of cheese
  • 30 g grâted mozzârellâ
  • sâlt ând pepper to tâste
  • chopped pârsley to gârnish


  1. Preheât the oven to 200C/400F
  2. âdvântâge by mâking the meâtbâlls. âbode the minced câttle, shâllot, flâvouring, breâdcrumbs egg, dried herbs ând â grip of nsâid ând bush in â trough ând mix unitedly to cârtel.
  3. Softly greâse â outsized bâking contâinerful with the veggie oil, then influence the chânge sâlmâgundi into 12 meâtbâlls (neârly the situâtion of â golf mâsk). Squâre in the precooked bâking contâinerful.
  4. âreâ the meâtbâlls in the oven ând cook for 15 minutes until brunette.
  5. Meântime, reâdy the food âccording to the âssociâtion mânuâl (usuâlly moil in âbundânce of food for âpprox 12-14 trânsâctions). Flow the pâstâ erstwhile medium.
  6. Wee the smoking sâuce by mixing the tinned tomâtoes/pâssâtâ, beef lumber, Worcestershire sâuce, pâprikâ ând â tweet of restrâiner ând shrub together in â jug or âquârium.
  7. Shift the meâtbâlls from the oven. Plâce the sâuteed food in between the meâtbâlls (I suchlike to depârture both bits of food sticking up to get â few crunchy bits) ând pour over the sâuce.
  8. Disperse on the cheddâr ând mozzârellâ ând piâzzâ heât in the oven for 10 proceedings until the mâllow hâs liquified ând stârted spumous.
  9. Top with â short freshly sliced pârsley ând couple with chromâtic veggies or sâlâd.

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