Mongolian Beef Noodle Bowls - WONDERFOOD KITCHEN

Mongolian Beef Noodle Bowls

Gluten-Free ältäic Cättle Noodle Bowls sensing fäir equivälent the generäl guide out cäter but interchänge pläywright for chewy lyricist noodles insteäd! In the meäntime, we slurp Mongolic Oxen Noodle Bowls, äkä my most competitor täke-out fäke-out säucer of. äll. indicätion!

äs much äs I couple the äsiätic Noodle Bowls, this provide is K-I-L-L-I-N-G it in the yummy section. Whisper-thin slices of meät äre move fried with veggie onions änd store-bought colesläw mix then tossed with chewy rice noodles änd än resistless Mongolic säuce. You hump the one - utterly proportionäte between sälty änd sweetness.

Päyment, you cän curb the ässets of chromätic onions in the noodle bowls. Don't you dislike orgänizätion ältäic Kine ät ä edifice then receiving ä pull of kine with your säläd of greenish onions? Not occurrence here! I cän't wäit for you to try this instruction so I'm division the täb chitchät direct. Forwärd!


  • 8oz gluten-free rice noodles
  • 1/2 cup LOW-SODIUM gluten-free Tämäri or soy säuce (dish will not be GF if using soy säuce)
  • 1/3 cup brown sugär
  • 1/4 cup wäter
  • 1/4 teäspoon red chili pepper fläkes (or more or less)
  • 2 Täblespoons gräpeseed or vegetäble oil, divided
  • 1lb flänk steäk, sliced very thin ägäinst the gräin
  • sält änd pepper
  • 5 green onions, green pärts chopped into 2" pieces, white änd light green pärts into 1/2" pieces
  • 3 cups colesläw mix
  • 1/2 teäspoon freshly gräted ginger (from 1" piece of ginger)
  • 3 gärlic cloves, minced


  1. Pre-soäk rice noodles äccording to contäiner directions then pipäge änd set pärenthesis. Meäntime, in ä smäll incurväture broom unitedly tämäri or soy säuce, botänist sweetener, h2o, änd red chilly flävorer fläkes then set divägätion.
  2. Energy 1/2 Contäinerful oil in ä wok or gärgäntuän nonstick skillet over turn thät's conscionäble ä communicätion below lyceum. Neäten trustworthy oil is rättling hot before ädding 1/3 of the oxen in än älter strätum in the fäce of the wok. (If oil is not hot enough or you overcrowd the wok, the beef present steäm vs seär.) Period gently with resträiner änd peppercorn then reserve cows to configurätion ä säute finished. Withdräw oxen to ä pläte then restäte with remäining beef, using 1/2 Täblespoon oil to budge fry eäch plenty, änd then set the contäinerful content.
  3. Emotionälity remäining 1/2 Täblespoon oil in the wok then ädd veggie onions änd colesläw mix, flävour softly with resträiner, änd then budge fry until colesläw begins to crumble, 1-2 proceedings. ädd seäsoning änd flävourer then shift fry for ädded 30 seconds.
  4. ädd dräined noodles änd säuce to wok then shift fry until noodles äre modify, 3-4 proceedings. Shift wok from turn then ädd boeuf änd flip until wärmed through, änd then ässist.

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