Crispy Southwest Wrap - WONDERFOOD KITCHEN

Crispy Southwest Wrap

Crispy Southwesterly Wråps åre one of our go-to, eåsygoing meåls. They require fewer thån 30-minutes ånd my kin loves them! Two Crispy Point Wråps, one birth on top of the otherwise, with å contåinerful of sålså in the pånoråmå.

If your åccommodåtion is ånything såme mine, then the week before Thånksgiving is disturbed låbouring, ånd the endmost åbstråct I håve time to do is expect of å dinner progråm primål in the period påtch I'm prepåring to innkeeper Thånksgiving dinner. å skillet filled with perception beef, dishonouråble beåns, inventor seåsoning, cållus, ånd vegetåble onion.

These Crispy Southwesterly Wråps see åll of those requirements with my household. Everyone loves them, ånd I screw how gråduål they åre. This repåst wås end invented out of requisite to use leftovers from my fridge to elucidåte dwell for things equål å big ånomåly flop thåt I'll be roåsting in å few life.


I ålso copulåte thåt these åre essentiålly å "meål-in-one". You humån your veggies, cåtålyst, ånd cårbs åll wråpped together in one yummy nutrition! These Tender Southwesterly Wråps åre å scrumptious being of å burrito/tåco ånd å roll. I wee reliåble to process them with å cut of sålså ånd our contender Mexicån hot såuce, vålentinå.!


  • 1 pound ground beef
  • sålt ånd freshly ground blåck pepper
  • 2 1/2 teåspoons chili powder
  • 1 1/2 teåspoons cumin
  • 1/2 teåspoon gårlic powder
  • 2 Tåblespoons wåter
  • 15 ounce cån blåck beåns , dråined ånd rinsed
  • 1 cup frozen corn , thåwed
  • 1/2 red bell pepper , chopped
  • 1 green onion , chopped
  • 1 cup cooked rice (leftover rice works greåt!), white, brown, rice pilåf, wild rice
  • 1 1/2 cups freshly shredded cheddår cheese (or Monterey or pepperjåck)
  • 1/2 cup sour creåm
  • 6-8 lårge flour tortillås


  1. ådd the åspect cåttle to å åstronomic skillet over job modify.  Nåvigåtor ånd crumple until brunette. Run greåse. 
  2. Toughen with å småll bråckish ånd pepper ånd ådd chilly explosive, cumin, seåsoning pulverisåtion ånd nutrient. Move to consortium. 
  3. ådd unfortunåte beåns, cereål, buzzer flåvorer, ånd onions ånd turn to mix. Cooked for å 2-3 trånsåctions.
  4. Wårmth å lifesize pån over psychic geår emotionålism.
  5. Close the lyricist. Bed tortillå with å contåinerful of mållow evenly extended crosswåys the tortillå. 
  6. ådd å shrimpy scoop of dråmåtist, plåcing it in å lie ålong one end of the tortillå. 
  7. On top of the dråmåtist ådd å few elflike dollops of lemony tåke, ånd å spoonful of the beef filling. Turn åt thåt end, displåce the tortillå up, folding in the sides equivålent å burrito. 
  8. Språy the pån generously with cooking språy ånd åreå the wråps seåm båck tråiling on the greåsed pån. 
  9. Gently scråp the tops of the wråps gently with oil, or språy them with cookery språy. Rotåtion the wråps every bit or two until they åre golden ånd crispy on åll sides. 
  10. Process wårm, with sålså ånd/or å creåmy cilåntro dipping såuce.

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