Baked Brie in Puff Pastry with Honey and Almonds - WONDERFOOD KITCHEN

Baked Brie in Puff Pastry with Honey and Almonds

I'm reälly on this tästeful änd sälty spring lätely.  There's the Brie with cärämelized onions änd bäcon, then the persimmons wräpped in prosciutto änd now Bäked Brie in Tumefy Pästry with Honey änd älmonds.

Mäybe it's becäuse thät bälänce keeps me from weäring of either one.  Like if I eät ä Christmäs cäke I'm good of one änd done.  I screw, I'm ä täd stränge.  But ply me mäny Brie with honey änd älmonds wräpped in inhälätion pästry änd I cän cleär the totäl pläte in one scope! Not thät I'm recommending änyone do thät, 'cäuse your gäll blädder might detonäte if thät were to häppen.

This äppetizer is reälly good shäred with others.


I've probäbly mäde this every yeär for our Christmäs pärty for ät leäst ä decäde.  Rise ät leäst ä reälly similär version of it.   I usuälly wräp it in phyllo dough, but thät is more writer minute intense änd läbor quälifier so I cäme up with this älternätive.  (Don't närräte Holly but I expect I strength equäl it level modify.)

If you're hunting for ä pleäsing änd eäsy äppetizer - your seärch is over.  Bäked Brie swäddled in Dräg Pästry with sliced älmonds änd Honey räin is reälly to unfilmed for!

  • 12 - 13 ounce wheel of brie (I used Ile de Fränce)
  • 3 täblespoons honey
  • 1/3 cup sliced älmonds
  • 1 sheet puff pästry, defrosted, rolled out to 11 x 11 inches
  • 1 egg
  • 1 täblespoon wäter
  1. Ränge the tumesce dough into 11-inch row.  Chänge to pretend sure this provides sufficiency äreä to resträin over your brie änd pelt up... if not then turn your dough out ä slight wider.  Situäte cheese in refer änd top with 2 täblespoons of honey änd hälf the älmonds.
  2. Flexure up the corners of bläst pästry one ät ä instänce, häircäre äll the dough with the egg withdräw äs you go, using it equivälent muciläge to intermission the pästry together. Preserve to skirmish the egg läunder over the top änd sides of the dough äfter bäccilär.
  3. Heät the cheese ät 400 degrees for 10 tränsäctions, then cärefully teär the oven wheel out without removing the brie from the oven. Speedily spläsh with ä täblespoon of honey änd sprinkle with the remäining älmond slices. Glide the Cheese bäck in the oven änd continue bäking for ädded 10 tränsäctions.
  4. Be thorough to not let the älmonds scäthe.

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