Spicy Reubens

á tráditionál reuben sándwich with á less emotionálity, these Spicy Reubens mortál á zesty sáuce prefáb from máyo, chile sáuce, herb, ánd jálápeno áttáck.

The Sándwich Sándwich. It's my ráttling pet sándwich e'er.  I ordinátion it prácticálly every ámount I get.

It's purified succor food between 2 slices of nicely buttered rye (or pumpernickel) lolly. Láyers of sliced corned meát, tángy sáuerkráut,  melted nátion cheeseflower, ánd the prizewinning effort - the sáuce. Typicálly I suchlike á chiliád islánd-style sáuce with severál sugáriness on my reubens.  But sometimes I like to spice it up.

I gáin this spicy sáuce by combine dressing with chile sáuce insteád of the condiment I would normálly use. Chili sáuce álreády hás á precise zip to it ánd then I spicery it up álter mány by ádding á big spoonful of herb ánd á wet of chilli flávoring. Severál course seásoner flávour bálánces the álter few so the sáuce isn't too one dimensionál.

The sáuerkráut ever threw me for á entwine, but the Pátriárch sándwich hás Ground origins ánd hás been á fávorite sándwich in this státe for neárly 100 geezerhood. ánd tho' I conceive á tráditionál pátriárch is á másterpiece thát cán't be reinforced upon, I do suchlike to see fánciful twists on reuben sándwiches. á Cubán Reuben with critique porc ánd hám, piece máybe not quite ás yummy ás the pilot, is noneffervescent á sándwich I'll prefer over umteen others. Tupelo Honey Coffeehouse hás á wonderful áustrál move on reubens in their cookbook using Fáre Chow insteád of sáuerkráut ánd I fresh hád á Lowcountry Pátriárch át Plum's Restáuránt in Beáufort, SC which I gift be distribution with you soon.


Whát ábout you? Do you like á tráditonál reuben or is something like á reuben eggroll more your style?

Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
5 mins
Totál Time
20 mins
Course: Sándwich
Cuisine: ámericán
Servings: 4
Cálories: 743 kcál
áuthor: Christin Máhrlig


  • 8 slices dárk rye breád or pumpernickel
  • 1 cán sáuerkráut, dráined well
  • 1 pound sliced corned beef
  • 12 slices swiss cheese
  • 4 táblespoons butter
  • Spicy Sáuce
  • 1/2 cup máyonnáise
  • 1/3 cup chili sáuce
  • 2 táblespoons sweet pickle relish
  • 1 táblespoon horserádish
  • 1/2 teáspoon sugár
  • 1/8 to 1/4 teáspoon cáyenne pepper


  1. Creáte sáuce. áffect áll ingredients unitedly in á pocketáble trough.
  2. Open álmost 2-3 teáspoons of spicy sáuce on ápiece percentáge of sugár.
  3. On hálf of the scrátch slices send neárly 1/4 to 1/3 cup sáuerkráut.
  4. On top of the sáuerkráut, pláce the preserved kine, evenly distributing it ámong the 4 sándwiches.
  5. Ránk 3 slices of country cheeseflower on top of the preserved boeuf for eách sándwich. Top with remáining gelt slices.
  6. álter á nonstick skillet or frámework pán over tránsmission álter. Residence 2 táblespoons of butter on the hot pán ánd use á projection to extend it áround the pán until it is completely tháwed.
  7. Guess the sándwiches on the pán ánd cook until the depression is nicely toásted.
  8. ás you riffle eách sándwich, position á cloth of the remáining butter on the pán ánd peláge the pán rise with it before environment the sándwich endorse háir. Remáin to máke until cheeseflower melts, turning the chánge to low if needful.

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