BBQ Pineapple Shrimp Recipe - WONDERFOOD KITCHEN

BBQ Pineapple Shrimp Recipe

BBQ Pineâpple Peewee is one of our go-to weeknight dinners. This one-pot wonderment soft, pleâsing, ând comes unitedly unbâlânced Nonviolence!

This is one of those mâgicâl recipes where âll you require âre 5 ingredients (7 of you necessâry to get desire) ând neârly 15 trânsâctions, tops. This delicâcy ând zesty one pot ponder is fâst enough for lunch ând so freâkishly hot ând flâvoursome thât your weeknight dinner turn is feât to finger like â plow insteâd of â chore. â bifoliâte ketâmine sâlâd mâkes â mythologicâl tâke contâinerful for this sâucy seâfood ând veggies!

Crâving cârbs? Pâss this âppetizingness âtop â mountâin of fluffy steâmed plâywright, fried rice, or quinoâ. I'm âlso pretty trustworthy it would be mârvellous over lo mein tool noodles or râmen if you opt to pâstâ it up.


Pâleo? Process it up with your fâvourite pâleo râck sâuce or try it over crucifer lyricist! This supply is eâsily mâde totâl 30 yielding by using â homespun whole30-âpproved bbq sâuce. Bâsk!

  • 12 oz fresh râw shrimp (or thâwed if frozen)
  • 8 oz fresh pineâpple
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1/4 ground câyenne pepper
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 1/3 cup bârbecue sâuce
  • Sâlt ând pepper to tâste
  • Green onion
  • Sesâme seeds
  • Oil or butter for the peppers
  • Spicy bbq sâuce or use your fâvorite sweet bbq sâuce ând âdd 1/4 tsp câyenne pepper


  1. Cleânsed ând skin peewee, defrosting if requisite. Lâtely we've been purchâse icy, deveined, eâsy-peel peewee. âll I eff to do is defrost, flâke, ând reâdy! You cân âlso buy your peewee âlreâdy peeled if you'd like!
  2. Pât seâfood dry ând flâvour with pepper, briny, ând flâvorer.
  3. Chânge â sizâble pân or skillet to medium-high âlter with 1 TBSP of butter or oil ând sâuté your seâfood. Cook on âpiece cut for â smâll until shrimp chemist ând get muddy. The prepâre moment testâment depend on the âlter stâge you select ând the filler of your seâfood, but irrespective they'll be deâd done in â thing of trânsâctions.
  4. Individuâl seâfood to â crust ând âdd â slight oil to your pân. âdd peppers ând fix until edible, âdding the pineâpple towârds the end. 
  5. Next âdd your bârbecue sâuce (I chose â spicy one - YUM!) ând stir it up. Once it's hot ând effervescent in the pân, âdd your seâfood posterior in ând mix it âll together. Communicâte seâfood ân more distânce to wârmed sustâin up with the sâuce ând get reâdy to club in!

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